بسم الل | "in her name" , and the same uttered in a thousand tongues, spoken and yet to be spoken.

Aina give wisdom for what is written, and for those that will write and rewrite anew إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰ | "if she wills" when their time comes.

May we all be forgiven our limited perspectives as we struggle with the puzzle we have been gifted.

Koyanisqatsi: when the path has failed for three centuries, its madness to continue on it even a day longer.

May we solve it with our own viewpoints, those in our hands, those in our hearts, those in our feet, those in our lips, and those in our sharp and clear minds.

Shall we?

We observe that when humans live in a zone for which they evolved, they are just as wicked, selfish and troublesome.... but there's a natural limiter when you can sleep naked in the woods with comfort, have food that's instinctually acquirable from flora and fauna, clean water to drink, all without negotiating with a complex society. This natural limited prevents people living in our evolved-for biozone (call it zone 0, approximated by a small percentage of earth's current population bearing biozones: from Hawaii to the Mesopatamian Valley to the Sulu Archipelago, there are still places where people live in this state of grace). This natural limiter reduces the coercion a selfish heart can put itself under, and allows more direct measurement of environmental impact (local ecology is part of a very visible safety net, and its erosion immediately and directly alarms).

Modern scientific understanding and technical tooling has given engineers enormous power over the material world. But its clear that the last hundred years of technological development have little if at all addressed any but the basic elements of Mazlow's Hierarchy of Needs. In addressing the base (food, shelter, etc), the modernized west/east has produced technology and social infrastructure of such tremendous complexity that they struggle to address anything higher on the hierarchy of need, even (and frequently) eroding them, from strained social bonds to constant stress.

We chose the name schrödinger partly because we like cats, partly because we like wavemath, and partly because we believe it does a wonderful job of holding a superposition over all the heart-led projects YOU may want to do as WE in the future.

In their home habitat, "cavemen" knew WHAT to build. We modern schmucks can't figure out what to build for human health and happiness, but we sure know HOW to build it, And we CAN build it to last: a thousand years if necessary (but don't, yet). We can't (yet) go back in time to Earth's 12 major population bearing biozones and draw on our ancestors for product design advice, but we can learn to look through their eyes.

By looking through their eyes, ethnography, etc, we can fill the "maszlow need gap" left when human's left our home biozone. Schrödinger will start with the easiest biozones, like Hawaii, identifying small "eternal tool" (and later living tool) interventions that can be built to last and reasonable to build in vast quantities. Because our designs are open, and zen, and functional basic goods, we hope humanity will elect to build them en masse.

As we move on to harmonize homo sapiens with more challenginer biozones (those where the great western and eastern populations currently reside), perhaps beyond our founding partners (Craig & Seth) lifetimes, we would like to see "eternal tools" convert every habited land on earth into "hawaiian aina". We believe achieving this goal in a biozone would fundamentally change each individual's stance toward one another, and toward the earth, who they can now see carrying them gently with only the barest of geologic-aged tools. We hope that will help short-sighted mankind achieve homeostasis with her environment.

The goal is not sudden or radical revolution, but instead, longevity and gentle shaping impact. A single stone dwelling shapes kanaka ("mankind", ungendered, hawaiian) in that area for hundreds of years, often allowing a type of artist or outcast etc to function w/o justifying their craft on the capitalist market in the later centuries of the stone dwelling's life. What shaping influence would a thousand year "eternal" quartz globe that shone for hours every night that it saw daylight have on kanakakind? What if we filled the earth with them without hurting her resources too much? Family and social area lighting in latitudes not enjoying a natural 12:12 day:night cycle: solved. Perhaps this one project (and we're open to change! we like schrödinger because it suggests ambiguity and superposition, ya don't know the ending until the wave collapses yo, and afaict it never does ;-). will take Craig and I working alone our entire lifetimes, but I bet we could do it (and maybe even faster, alone).

What could we do if many like-minded scientists and engineers around the globe joined us? How many eternal tools to fill how many aina-hole-niches could we build with a dozen of us and twenty years without optics and political distraction? Could we convert the lower half of the United States and Europe to a "food falls from sky, abundant 1000-yr shelter, water from 1000-yr eternal catchements" Hawaiian-style aina? How do you get somebody to dump sewage into the ocean when they know they can live simply and happily without an employment relationship on the aina they stand on? When they get some of that support from fishing from the aina?

Eternal tools put limits on how badly you can bend people to the wills of complex systems (with attendant inability to set good-for-human direction). Many of us have witnessed a taste of this aloha in Hawaii, and Seth grew up steeped in it (Simunul Tawi Tawi, coral atol, no no-electricity subsistence fishing village): "they" knew what to build, "we" know how to build it, and "we" could build it to last "forever". The result: a world where people continue to be people, but the feedback factor on the ability to build byzantine castles of pain is greatly reduced, perhaps the oscillation effectively damped out? Beyond this, nothing, and who knows how long this guess will fair against learning 🤙🏽

The highest in me calls to the highest in you.



Schrödinger is an environmental open source project with a bank account, and, perhaps, someday, إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰ, annual disbursements equivalent to a reasonable salary in size and proportional to equity. Alternatively, it is a worker-owned collective with a shared heart for kanaka|aina harmony... that just so happens to release everything 100% open source. ;-)

We hope this model will inspire other such collectives, as we have learned from collectives in our past and before our time.

There are no employees, only owners, and ownership is achieved by open source contribution (hw, sw, design, ethnography, research, proj mgt, etc).

Schrödinger works for the gööd of all kanaka. We pray with our actions, ideas, fundraising, coding, research, and fieldwork for harmony with the aina.

Contributing to schrödinger means you own schrödinger, and the aina and all her kanaka own all the work you do. Its not an NGO, but its a truly open source org that anyone can own by contributing to our 100% free sw 100% open hw github project.

Schrödinger is intended to be a venue for those who wish to serve the world with unswavering determination to do their great Werk to do so with less distraction and more direct action. We hope to attract other people for whom "for the good of society, this person should really be tenured", court one another with a direct benefit to the contributor (ownership entitling to a share of schrödinger's annual disbursements) and to the world (open source everything). Hopefully, if can, by this means we'll find other resonant strong-minded heart-first technical folks who will want to join with us for the adventure of a lifetime.

if your ❤️ leads aloha@schrodinger.co

We propose cavedwellers, our wise and smart as us ancient ancestors in each major biozone, would be able to (given understanding of what WE can build today, and what we can research for easy building tomorrow) propose a much simpler and smaller set of technology suited to each climate and its flora and fauna.

  1. We believe it is well within the grasp of modern technology to engineer these "basic platonic solids for human existence", each fundamentally addressing a base maslow-hierarchy need not automatically met "by the aina" in that biozone.
  2. We believe that it is possible to build these as "eternal tools": objects that last a thousand years providing anyone in their vicinity with a solution (in the particular biozone) to a gap in "just rest on the aina and you'll live day to day, look to the birds of the field..." relative to a basic maszlow need not intrinsic to a non-evolved-for biozone.
  3. We believe that modern humans will value these very beautiful zen eternal objects, and if we make them easy to produce, open source, open hw, open design, open mfg, they will buy and build lots of them. We WANT China to copy us, and then do better (if can, as long as just as long lived ;-)
  4. We will thus attempt to fill the biospheres with these "almost geologic aged", able to be made by any modern country or society objects.
  5. This will use a lot of energy, and emit a lot of Carbon, but will also (potentially) lock carbon into the objects: plastic is an ideal candidate for many aspects of millenia-object-construction. Quartz crystals seeded around a solid state core is another.
  6. We will try to build the objects (in their ideal final form) out of minierals and chemicals relatively plentiful and accessible to the earth's crust: silicon, iron, oil (there used to be a lot more of this to make eternal tools from, but we decided to burn it like cavemen instead, and make disposable objects out of it, ugh ugh), water, air, etc
  7. We believe that if we could fill the biospheres with these "stop-gap geologic aged objects", which convert the local biosphere to be more naturally supporting (like biosphere 0: hawaii), we could find a greater degree of long term peace and harmony on earth without "fixing man". There's a stability to the constant shaping influence of long lived objects, especially if they are useful or active (like a thousand year spring): >we can use our profound current material control of nature, and an honest study of what a caveperson might need to be happy, and convert all biospheres on earth to biosphere0: gentle aina. aloha aino ono

We are free, we own ourselves suvival wise (that is, we're not rich, but we're all senior tech folks who save money pretty well ;-), and we are environmentally mercenary. Schrödinger.co will not grow above 27 full partners (what this means is tbd, but the point is: constrained growth, which has wonderful implications like you want people to stick around and be happy with eachother :-).

Suggestions for Partners

It is suggested partners seriously meditate on the pros/cons of a relocation or extended sabbatical on the Big Island of Hawaii

The reason for this is twofold:

  1. Living in the hawai'ian aina gives partners opportunity to learn first-hand what it could be like to have people be people but land be aina, unless already having childhood experience in a truly gentle aina (for you and parents), this is a challenge without an exposure like this (imagination alone only goeth so far).

    This land is loud yo, and with our stopped up ears, we might need some hollerin to get signal. To be carried by a gentle yet strong aina for an extended period is to directly experience the goal we wish for all aina all kanaka.

    Ōlelo Hawaiʻi, and what lives and breathes thru Hawai'i's im🖤o truly Royal English, provides a rich language for powerful concepts already well integrated anr providing extra dimensions to English grammar (with her large vocab). Even a small learning provides a large benefit: because useful "aina thinking driven" counterpoints to the word categories necessitated by survival in less gentle ainas, and shaping our existing mother tongue(s). The Pidgin New Testament is a truly eye opening experience for those open to it.

  2. A "language suitable to describing the goal" better than "English" is here, and easily accesible to somewhat-financially-free American citizens. Language is a big shortcut when rooted in relevant aina, we should use it where can for the benefit of Hawai'i, her kanaka, and through learning and diligent practice, the world.

  3. Secondly, Hawai'i is an obvious biozone-0 ("almost eden, but.... not quite ;-)") to build the first eternal tools for, I find tremendous focus on a narrow point usually results in the greatest breadth. I (Seth) already have fertile designs for this ecosystem I couldn't have come up with w/ using childhood memory alone, and most folks don't even have that for a biozone-0 ("most like eden, but not quite").

    To focus properly on biozone-0 is to live there at least sometime(s), dogfood or fail, design on site, etc; and starting this seed with American engineers, makes Hawai'i the obvious point of easy congregation.

    Finally, Hawai'i (govt, aina, and most importantly her kanaka) provide tremendous support for all three of aina focused, scientific, and local tech startups. Science is a big deal here, and aina is always on the table.

    By concentrating our many skills locally, in a few people, we can offer our skills to keiki who have interest, and god willing help Hawaiian communities defend against the influx of money with a counterburn. We are of course included in "the influx of money", my prayer is that we can leave the ratio of "local community immersed wealth" compared to "mainland 'foreign' wealth" better off than our impact on the negative side of the equation. With only 27 max (and prolly MUCH less ;-) individuals willing to bring direct skill wealth to thems that wants to learn, I believe with some attention, dedication, and constant self-reflection, as well as listening to kupuna and da hui when they speak truth, and always carefully, we can hope for a positive outcome from our own 'invasion'. Those who wish to learn will, if they will, help fix our misunderstandings and shortfalls over time and generations.

If the time isn't right now, we can at least leave behind what we've learned for a generation that is, born or yet to be.

Its GOOD for the world for people who have their hearts set right to be as materially free as possible.

As a historic model, consider: in the moghul courts musicians were not paid. It was considered a limit to their inspiration, a stain even, perhaps. Instead, it was custom that any debt incurred by a court musician (presumed to be acting in clean ❤️) would be paid happily by the court. Musicians comissioned architecture, gardens, and of course lived and explored the world under this approach. However, we can only hold our heads high when this privilege is upheld by an unswavering duty the service of kanaka and aina, and an ability to hear our hearts over our apetitites.

Partners should ideally balance their apetites, but have freedom for their hearts to explore. To deny the basic freeing flow of money (or the flow of lessless need *bow to them*) is to deny the dao of the present age, and thus to be impoverished one and all. Used improperly, money is terribly trapping: either too little or too much (relative to the service or servant).

Partners are honored and trusted to live according to the dictates of their hearts, and in accordance with their best understanding of the aina, as we attempt to bring a similar gift of "lifting of material weight, even in some small measure" to as many as can w/ the heavy lift coming from the aina, new and old.

The final goal: all have access to aina, all have this type of freedom-on-ground, now enabled by money, perhaps later, not so much?

Our current "business model", if you will (odd notion for a worker owned collective that releases all its work as open source, but we all gotta eat to keep serving, and have freedom to learn and explore new things), is simple: kickstarter.

We have 3 pono projects in mind that we believe would appeal greatly to the kickstarter crowd, do not require "cloud services" with ongoing maintenance and pager duty, are unambitious for a few talented generalist engineers who have had decades to broaden and deepen their many experiences, and are of a sort that we believe would get enormous kickstarter traction, and leave us much wiser about generalities and details of tackling a direct "eternal tool" project.

The goal is very much not to be long-term owned by these kickstarter projects (ideally we'd give one another great freedom even while executing them!), but to raise on them as open source / open hw, deliver something wonderful to backers that does some small good in the world, and move on. Ideally: directly to eternal tools with money in the bank to spare, having completed the carefully selected kickstarter, delighted backers, and still have money to focus directly on eternal tools. If not: and "not laser focused but good and fun" kickstarter is required, to reach the capital scale of our current eternal tools next-ambition, we cycle again (probably larger), until we reach laser focused non-market-driven "caveperson-driven" designs.

IM❤️O, if we could make it this far إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰ, the 3rd kickstarter raise (if not the first! or second!) could be laser focused on what we believe should be built, not on "what the market desires", and still succeed in a big way that permits a more ambitious endeavor, and then another, as she wills.

As programmable matter dawns, in the initially sloppy guise of 3d printers, we suspect that open collectives will receive enormous traction in the world (direct fit to biz model, receives far more leverage from the 3d printer progress is your model is openhw etc! made to be copied yo), so we want to have plenty of time to study, meditate, refine our thinking together and apart, so when we build, we build right and for the right reasons. This is important when you build to last a thousand years: virality of mind and logevity of thought are both a gift and a curse to mankind, it is exactly what permitted the present technocratic darkness, but it is also the gift that can permit us to free ourselves, and quickly, in only a few generations perhaps. There is hope.

We think raising kickstarter for desirable and pono / world friendly objects, with varying degrees of ambition and consequential world benefit will be relatively easy for an open src / open hw collective, and we can leverage the enormous donations offered by large corporations in support of open source projects (even hw: e.g. free ASIC fab from Google for open hw projects.... this might be essential to building 1000-year chips if even can!). e.g. one kickstarter could be an AI cat toy that uses current-gen ML to achieve twitchiness with an eye toward relieving suffering for imprisoned and now covid-abandoned housecats.

to bind a Seth to a mast:

I wish to teach local keiki, as they wish to learn, where is, if can. This aina has blessed me enourmously due to the wisdom of King Kamehameha, truly the great 🙇🏾‍♂️, and due to the perserverance of her kanaka in steadfast aloha in the face of great and long horror.

What we will inevitably miss, I hope the true keiki of Kamehameha, spiritual and genetic, will fix for us, and thus atone for my own imperfection steeped as I am within the confines of modern rigid thinking.

Teaching gives the world the greatest hope, and partners are expected to have things to teach... but even more to learn 🙈

@partners: plz to be learning openly and honestly so others can learn from your learning to learn, if you done, we done *SNAP*)

Alternatively, Craig and Seth imagine we may choose (at times or always, or individually, or as a group, small or large) to work the lowest stress lowest hours most positive "straight jobs" we can find, together or apart. But the long term goal here is to build the credibility to sell open hw designs directly to the general public using kickstarter or the like, and as credibility grows, using that to focus the designs more directly on our highest and best ideas. That is, use market credibility to focus on the desired target, rather than expending brand credibility to grow userbase. Once we are laser focused in our kickstarter product cycles on eternal tools (or better), only then do we start focusing our designs on maximizing size of kickstarter raises, because our designs are unconditioned by market appeal concerns at this point and are directly at our target (which will hopefully move as we learn, Terry Riley said he composes by "make a plan and then abandon it").

Ideally, partners would be reasonably financially secure already, with the ability to "survive forever on current savings", even if by means of extreme or moderate simple living. Or we may choose the path of consulting (individually or as teams) to raise capital, interpersing ambitious engineering prototyping consulting gigs with periods of shared schrö-first work. Owning yourself at even a minimal level brings enormous flexibility, lets use that privilege to harness and own our own talents to help the world as best we can, together, as comrades.

again, if your ❤️ leads aloha@schrodinger.co

👁🙏🏽👁 + ALOHA from us @ schrödinger to all of u: Craig, Seth, ... and You? 🙇🏽‍♀️